A Higher Standard of Roofing
A Higher Standard of Roofing
Many contractors actually overlook the HOA not on purpose but it's an easy slip of the mind.
Usually, most HOAs require approval if you have to completely replace your roof or want to change its outward appearance. This is because most HOAs want all the roofs in the neighborhood to have a cohesive appearance and follow the same basic structural integrity. Common requirements pertain to appearance. to find out if you need to apply through your HOA in order to move forward with your roofing project. simply call your HOA board of directors they will help you with further concerns. or you can leave it up to our team at HCR to cover that peace of mind for you.
we have often seen many fly by night contractors get a homeowners roof approved through their insurance but do not follow up with the clients HOA. this can cause huge problems later on down the road. Like we have seen in some cases where HOA did not approve of the custom-colored shingles and the unknowingly homeowner had to end up paying out of pocket for another roof replacement matching the surrounding color of roofs, houses that are also in the same HOA policy and guidelines.
we make sure all legal laws are met. we are very conscientious in regarding these areas. most roofing contractors dont offer.
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